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文章出处: 责任编辑: 人气: 发表时间:2014-08-12【

Torsion testing machine is a kind of special test instrument of the spring, spring is produced,before using, to pass a test in order to strictly put into use, because the spring is used most in the main parts of machines and vehicles, take the spring on the vehicle, if the spring mounted in a vehicle without strict test, then drag in the vehicle above. Performance did not meet therequirements. The consequences are very serious, for the suspension spring, because the performance of the recession, so the vehicle out of balance, easy to cause traffic accidents.

The main function of torsional torque torsion testing machine, angle for the digital display and angle measurement of the angular displacement sensor (encoder), the angular displacement ofthe torque sensor for automatic correction, this machine also has a peak hold, overload protection, stiffness calculation, results printing, data query, manual loading, left and right rotation at selection, compact structure, simple operation, fast detection speed, will be measured when specimen vertically on the torque on the disk, the clamping is convenient. The springtesting machine is special equipment testing spring, spring came out in the production, before using, to pass a test in order to strictly put into use, because the spring is the most used in the main parts of machines and vehicles, take the spring on the vehicle, if the spring mounted in a vehicle without strict test, then drag in the vehicle above. Performance did not meet therequirements.

Our company according to national standards for the design of torsion test machine, high efficiency, complete function, convenient operation, from two aspects of mechanical principle and software to consider raising the accurate measurement range, which is suitable for mass spring production line detection, sorting, precision and sampling for laboratory, data and curves with the experimental process of dynamic display that can re curve analysis, can magnify and minify and click view data corresponding to each point on the curve of the test report, the value of stress, displacement, stiffness, curve data to form a standard print, with a programmable andmechanical level limit protection. If you are on my company production of torsion test the machine has the intention, please contact us.

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